1475 年3 月6 日~ 1564 年2 月18 日
義大利文藝復興時期的傑出雕塑家、畫家、建築師。其作品特色在不論男女、所有 人物皆有「健美」的肌肉與體格,《大衛像》就是其最著名的作品之一。繪於梵蒂 岡西斯汀小教堂的天頂畫《創世紀》,取材舊約聖經繪製出343 個人物,而在教堂 中心位置有9 個場景,其中之一就是《創造亞當》。
6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564
An outstanding sculptor, painter, and architect of the Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo’s work is characterized by the depiction of “muscular and well-built” figures, regardless of gender. One of his most famous works is the “David” sculpture. The ceiling painting “Scenes from Genesis”, located in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican, features 343 figures based on scenes from the Old Testament, with nine scenes at the center of the chapel, one of which is “The Creation of Adam”.