西元前1303 年~ 1213 年
拉美西斯二世,古埃及歷史上最著名的法老之一,為第十九王朝的第三位法老,統治時期長達66 年。他年少便輔助父親,於10 歲擔任軍職領軍出征,同時他對龐大土木工程的熱情,讓他在埃及各處留下眾多廟宇。善於征戰的他曾進行一系列遠征,並與西臺王國締結盟約。
Ramesses II Riding His Chariot
1303 – 1213 BC
Ramesses II, one of the most famous pharaohs in ancient Egyptian history, was the third pharaoh of the 19th dynasty and ruled for a period of 66 years. He assisted his father at a young age and led the army into battle at the age of 10. His passion for large-scale construction projects resulted in numerous temples being built throughout Egypt. A skilled warrior, he conducted a series of expeditions and formed an alliance with the Hittite Kingdom.