最後的晚餐( 達文西弟子仿作),1515 年~ 1520 年
由達文西繪製的原畫是放置在米蘭恩寵聖母的濕壁畫,這幅則是他的兩位弟子詹皮特里諾與 喬瓦尼.安東尼.博塔費奧所繪製的8 公尺寬重製版。這幅畫精準繪製了耶穌與12 位使徒的 會面以及在最後的晚餐中耶穌宣告有人即將出賣他的場景。此畫被認為是最精準的繪製紀錄, 包含了原畫中模糊的細節,像是被猶大碰倒的鹽罐,與至今已不復見的耶穌在桌下的雙腳。
The Last Supper (after Leonardo da Vinci)
The original painting by Leonardo da Vinci is a fresco located in the Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. This version, however, is an 8-meter-wide replica painted by his two disciples, Giampietrino and Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio. It faithfully depicts the moment when Jesus met with his 12 apostles and announced that one of them would betray him during the meal. This painting is considered the most accurate reproduction, capturing details that have become blurred in the original, such as the overturned salt shaker knocked over by Judas and the now-lost depiction of Jesus’ feet beneath the table.