尚- 法蘭索瓦.米勒
1814 年10 月4 日~ 1875 年1 月20 日
法國巴比松派畫家。擅長以寫實手法描繪的鄉村風俗畫,被認為是寫實主義藝術運動的代表者之一。出生於農家,但在17 歲時的畫風就展現出極高的繪畫天賦。36歲時畫出《播種者》,成為其畢生代表作之一,之後繼續繪出《拾穗》《晚禱》等,奠定其在法國自然畫派的地位。
Jean-François Millet
4 October 1814 – 20 January 1875
The French Barbizon school painter Jean-François Millet specializes in realistic paintings of rural customs and is considered one of the representatives figures of the realist art movement. Born in a farming family, he showed his talent for painting at the age of 17. At the age of 36, he painted “The Sower”, which became one of his lifelong masterpieces, and later continued to paint “The Gleaners” and “The Angelus”, which established his position in the French nature painting school.