1862 年7 月14 日~ 1918 年2 月6 日
出身維也納的象徵主義畫家,也是維也納分離派運動 最具代表性的成員之一。此畫為克林姆辭世前擺放於 工作室的作品,與「金色時期」的畫風不同,畫中女 性生意盎然的色彩,加上臉部細緻線條的勾勒,展現 一位活力十足的自信女子,吸引所有觀畫者的眼光, 近期拍賣價更刷新克林姆的成交紀錄。
Gustav Klimt
14 July 1862 – 6 February 1918
Born in Vienna, Klimt was a Symbolist painter and a leading member of the Vienna Secession movement. This painting, found in Klimt’s studio at the time of his death, showcases a vivid and lively female figure, painted in a style distinct from his “Golden Period.” The woman’s vibrant colors and the detailed depiction of her face exude confidence and energy, captivating all who view it. Recently, this piece set a new auction record for Klimt’s works.