1688 年~ 1766 年
郎世寧(原名朱塞佩.卡斯蒂留內),義大利米蘭人。耶穌會教士,27 歲來華傳教,後以繪事供奉清廷,歷仕康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝。兼擅人物、花卉、鳥獸;動物中,以馬畫最多,亦最傳神。代表作有《八駿圖》《聚瑞圖》《百駿圖》等,不但表現出西方的寫實、立體、注重線條等特點,也具有中國繪畫的傳神與韻味。
Giuseppe Castiglione
1688 – 1766
Giuseppe Castiglione was an Italian Jesuit brother and missionary who came to China at the age of 27, later dedicated himself to painting for the Qing Dynasty. He served in the courts of the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong emperors. He excelled in painting portraits, flowers, birds, and animals and was most renowned for his depictions of horses, which were exceptionally lifelike. His notable works include “Eight Horses,” “Gathering of Auspicious Signs”, and “One Hundred Horses”. These painting not only showcased the characteristics of Western paintings but also embodying the spirit and charm of Chinese painting.