《小王子Le Petit Prince》是法國安托萬.德.聖修伯里創作的一部中篇小說,1943 年4 月6 日於紐約出版。本公司因感動《小王子》深邃的人生哲理,重新繪製插圖、寓教於樂,將其書中具啟發性的金句廣加流傳,本圖像即以其中知名文句為藍本繪畫而成。
The Little Prince and The Rose
Maybe there are five thousand roses in the world and you the same flower, but only you are my unique rose.
“Le Petit Prince” is a novella written and illustrated by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and published in New York on April 6, 1943. Inspired by his philosophical writings in “Le Petit Prince”, we re-drew the illustrations, and designed this educational and entertaining jigsaw puzzles to spread the inspirational quotes in the book.